The court will pay the hotel cost for 'Controversial' couple - newsgram24

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Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The court will pay the hotel cost for 'Controversial' couple


The courts were seen to give an example of how to deal with the situation. The court was witness to the attack on the two sides, leaving the two couples with their hands and leaving for the hotel. A judicial award given by the judge to connect the relationship in the back
What is that diagnosis? 'Controversial' husband and wife must stay together for three days at the hotel! And the cost of the hotel will be the judge! District and sessions judge of the Suri Court, Parthasarthi Sen, on Monday, stayed the hearing in a case of the wife's husband for torturing her husband.In 2011, Ahana Das and Gautam Das got married. After that, the family tragedy began to cut for some days. After this, in the court in October to issue the matter.

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