Everyone knows Atal Bihari Vajpayee advised about ‘Raj Dharma’ to Narendra Modi in 2002, but how many know he also said ‘incident wouldn’t have happened if Hindus weren’t burnt’?! - newsgram24


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Sunday, 19 August 2018

Everyone knows Atal Bihari Vajpayee advised about ‘Raj Dharma’ to Narendra Modi in 2002, but how many know he also said ‘incident wouldn’t have happened if Hindus weren’t burnt’?!

We can say that if there is one politician who has been indiscriminately targeted the most it is none other than Narendra Modi. Those people who thought Narendra Modi was the biggest threat to their political career, wanted to stop him desperately in every way possible.
The biggest weapon the pseudo seculars got was Godhra 2002 riots. It was when BJP government under AB Vajpayee was at the centre and Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, the brutal incident of Godhra riots took place in2002. Everyone projected that Muslims were targeted in the riots by extremists Hindu groups and they mercilessly killed the minorities. This was the time the opposition utilized this riots for their political benefits showcasing that Modi and BJP government were communal and anti minority.
After the incident, there was a very famous press conference held by then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee which was given international publicity. In the press meet, Vajpayee was seen speaking about the riots in which he had advised Modi to follow Raj Dharma to which Modi had immediately rebutted saying “We were also doing the same.”

The particular statement of Vajpayee was made viral by all pseudo liberals, seculars and depicted that Narendra Modi was at fault. For nearly 17 years, it was shown that Vajpayee was against Modi and wanted him to be removed. The opposition used this statement of Vajpayee to attack Modi and stop his political journey.
But however, no media ever highlighted that same Vajpayee who had advised Modi on Raj Dharma had also said that “If Hindus weren’t killed, none of these incidents would have happened in the first place.”
In an interview given to Rajdeep Sardesai by Vajpayee, Rajdeeep had asked why did Vajpayee make different statements about Godhra riots in Gujarat and Goa. For which Former Prime Minister had clarified that when he criticized Modi and spoke about Raj Dharma, he did not know the complete details about Karsevaks being burnt alive by Muslim groups which became the sole cause for riots.
But when he spoke in Goa, he was completely aware about the brutality of the Godhra train massacre and the extent of damage which made him say “If Hindus weren’t killed, none of these incidents would have happened in the first place.” He said, he had then understood the injustice caused to innocent Hindu families who were returning from Ayodhya.
Take a look at this rare video!
Lutyens marketed on
Atal ji condemned the Godhra violence & asked then CM Modi to follow RAJDARM

later on
Atal ji said he didn't know the whole truth,
it was Reaction for Action
killing of Muslims wouldn't have taken place if Hindus weren't burnt brutally

But No one knows this

This interview of Vajpayee has been given no publicity as he criticizes the Muslim groups who were responsible for burning of 59 people brutality while they were asleep.

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