West Bengal state BJP has appointed Bistarak with high speed "smartphones" for vote - newsgram24

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Wednesday, 24 January 2018

West Bengal state BJP has appointed Bistarak with high speed "smartphones" for vote


West Bengal state BJP has appointed a bistarak  in each circle (Block) to strengthen the organization in rural Bengal. BJP central leadership has instructed every bistarak to "smartphones" to speed up the work. Soon, this phone will be handed over to the bistarak s of the state. As per the directive of the All India President Amit Shah, the provision of advanced smart phones and hi-fi internet services for spreaders will be made.

Expanders are mainly making membership in districts. When the smartphone comes, every member's voter card, picture, BJP membership form will be reached at the moment in the State Office. Let's write it down to the computer, IT workers of BJP IT Cell. BJP wants to build a strong organization in rural Bengal, depending on the spreaders. So, the infrastructure of the spreader's work is being developed. Training camp also The central leader Kailash Bijawarjee ordered to work in grassroots level to increase the voting in the village. The distributors also ordered to cooperate for the work. Thereafter, the guidelines came from Delhi to give the spread of smartphone to the smartphone.

In this regard, BJP general secretary (organization) Subrata Chattopadhyay said, "The expansionists have to work 15 days organizational work in Bengal village. Multiple plans are being taken to speed up the work. Smartphones will be delivered very quickly. This will be a lot of work. "

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