Even after serving the nation in the war against China and Pakistan, even after serving the people during the times of natural calamities, even after losing several of its men during rescue operations, few haven’t stopped calling RSS a regressive and a communal organisation.
This time to silent the critics and demolish the narrative set by the haters of RSS, its chief Mohan Bhagwat has taken an unexpected move which has totally put the haters of RSS in backfoot.
Yes, the RSS chief gave answer to all the questions, all the fake narratives and all the misinformation spread against it in an event held in Delhi.
Speaking on Uniform Civil Code, Bhagwat said “When it is discussed, it is framed as a Hindu-Muslim issue. But it is not limited to that. (A uniform code) will alter practices of everyone, including of Hindus”.
Another tag on RSS is that it is an organisation that favors only the upper caste of Hinduism. Few even claim that RSS tries to weaken the weaker section of the society. But RSS said “There should be no difference among humans. The society should live without any difference. The Hindu atma believes in being one. Hindutva is constantly flowing, there is no end to it, hence, it can’t be called Hinduism”.
Does RSS support the intercaste marriage?
Other than opposing Love Jihad and abdcution and forcefully marrying Hindus girls, the RSS never opposed any kind of marriages as it is a private affair. So speaking on this, RSS said “We support inter-faith marriages. If you were to take out the percentage of such marriages, perhaps the highest percentage will be found in Sangh’s swayamsevaks”.
RSS’ stand on LGBTQ!
Soon after the Supreme Court scrapped the section 377, several Islamic and Catholic institutions said that it is against law and the nation shouldn’t support the homosexuals. But on social media, only the RSS was trolled even though it didn’t object the scrapping on section 377.
So clearing the rumours, RSS said “Everyone is a part of the society”, adding, “Their place should be made in our society. They should be accepted as they are”.
Caste system and RSS:
“We don’t ask people about their caste in RSS. If we move forward without any caste, we will develop. The journey is long but we are moving forward” said the RSS and proved that it doesn’t endorse caste politics.
Women safety and RSS:
Even though Rahul Gandhi spoke cheaply about the women in RSS, the RSS never made a cheap remark like him. So on women safety, RSS said “The laws should be more strict regarding women safety. We have to create an environment where women feel safe and secure”.
RSS against forceful and illegal conversion:
“If all religions are the same, why conversions needed. Why do you want to convert them? There is hidden motive behind it. Conversion by unfair means is wrong” said Bhagwat.
Condemning “Mob lynching”, Mr Bhagwat said “Taking the law into the hand is illegal and crime and culprits should be punished” and on communal incidents he said “We should live as brothers. Everyone is ours. This is about the pride of our country”.
What’s RSS’ stand on reservation?
“Politics over reservation is wrong. No misuse of power should be there and proper use of the laws should be done. I don’t want to comment on what the Supreme Court and the government says but the RSS works for the society” said RSS.
These statements proved that the RSS is supporting the modern thoughts unlike few other organisations that are still regressive.
Source:Republic World
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